Hours of Operation: Noon to 12am Daily. Closing at Bartenders Discretion
Get the latest information here!
Auxiliary Breakfast!
Second Sunday of each month
Eggs, Pancakes or French Toast
Bacon or Sausage, Coffee & Juice
$10.00 / $6.00 for kids under 10.
(May through October)
Bartenders Meals
Tuesday evenings, 5pm, while food lasts
Menu and prices will vary.
Every second Tuesday will be served by
the Cass County Fair Board with all
proceeds going to preparations for the fair.
Meat Raffle!
Fridays at 5:30pm
Saturdays at 6:30pm
Many fine cuts of meat to win
$1.00 per ticket.
Participate in our Games:
Bar Bingo, Tuesday's @ 6pm
Pull Tabs & E-Tabs Daily
Trivia, Wednesday's @ 7pm
Poker: Texas Holdem
Free to all with cash payout.
Cards dealt on Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Signup before 6pm for Bonus Chips!
Monday-Friday Lunch Hour Play
11am - 2pm
Monday-Thurs, 4pm - 10pm
Friday 4pm - 2am
Saturday 11am - 2am
Sunday 11am - 10pm
Free Hall & Kitchen Use:
For Non-profit Organizations
Private groups & Parties.
Ask us about catering.

To your legion table!

Types of Pizza, Availability and Pricing is subject to change